Ethical Guidlines

Journal of Innovation in Education and Social Sciences-JIESS follows strict ethical standards. These are also provided for the authors, reviewers, and the journal's editorial board. The text outlines a comprehensive set of ethical guidelines for researchers submitting their work to JIESS. These guidelines cover various aspects of ethical conduct in research and publication, ensuring the integrity and credibility of the published work. Here's a summary of the key points from the guidelines:

General Ethical Guidelines:

  1. Originality: JIESS publishes original work of researchers in Education and Social Sciences. The submitted manuscripts should not be submitted or published elsewhere.
  2. Copyright and Permissions: Authors must respect copyright and obtain necessary permissions wherever required. In case it is found that there is a violation of copyrights, the editorial board of the journal reserves the right to take necessary actions.
  3. Material Usage: Authors need permission to use third-party materials. Data and other material used in the research work should be included in the paper according to the permission to access these.
  4. Consent: Authors must have proof of consent for using names and affiliations.
  5. Responsibility: The submitting author and all those who provide their consent to be co-authors of the article are responsible for the content.
  6. Authorship: All significant contributors should be listed as authors; minor contributors in acknowledgements.
  7. Conflict of Interest: Any potential conflict of interest must be disclosed. The authors should provide a disclaimer regarding the conflict of interest. Any violation may lead to necessary actions against the authors.
  8. Depository Restrictions: Manuscripts shouldn't be deposited in institutional repositories until published.
  9. Unauthorized Distribution: Authors should prevent others from electronically distributing their paper.
  10. Authorship Order: All contributors should agree on The order of authors. Any objection by any author should be made to the editorial board within the given time frame.
  11. Review and Agreement: All authors must review and agree on the manuscript content.

Correction Notices:

  • Error and Omission in Printing: Publishing errors or oversights are corrected and noted. Some of these, if required, will be rectified in the published articles.
  • Error and Omission in Writing: Author errors are corrected and noted. The authors may notify the editorial board of errors or omissions before publication. If the paper is uploaded, the editorial board may consider the request.
  • Retraction: Used in cases of major ethical misconduct or misleading research. The editorial board reserves the right to retract a paper if there is a case of gross misconduct or violation of the ethical rules. The authors may be blacklisted and will not be allowed to publish in the journal in the future.
  • Note of Clarification: Used for minor clarifications without altering the text. The authors may provide such notes on the title page of the paper.
  • Expression of Concern: Used when conclusions or conflicts of interest are unclear.

Ethical Misconduct:

  • Plagiarism: we have a zero-tolerance policy for plagiarism. Any copying or paraphrasing falling in the definition of plagiarism is strictly dealt with. Distinct levels of plagiarism are defined, leading to different actions. The similarity index should not be more than 19%. It is the authors' job to ensure that the similar text does not contain any plagiarized element.
  1. Originality Requirement: All manuscripts submitted to JIESS must be original. Authors agree to these terms when signing the consent form.
  2. Minor Referencing Errors: Minor referencing errors include small text sections with 1 to 10 missing references or less than 10% copying of a single text. Such errors are considered the author's errors and may be corrected with the author's cooperation.
  3. Major Copying Without Referencing: Major copying constitutes more than 10% of a single text without sufficient referencing-this plagiarism level results in the manuscript's retraction. Proper referencing is essential to avoid plagiarism accusations.
  4. Copying of Ideas: While discouraged, copying ideas does not fall under plagiarism due to the absence of copyright on ideas. It may result in an error in writing or a note of clarification, subject to the author's agreement. A retraction notice is unlikely unless the author agrees, as there is no copyright protection for ideas.
  5. Insufficient Acknowledgment: Lack of proper acknowledgement of methodology, hypothesis, or reference work. Inadequate acknowledgement leads to a note of clarification. It's essential to highlight the use of the referenced work appropriately to avoid misunderstandings.


  • Ensures Originality: Upholds the journal's integrity by ensuring all submitted work is original and not copied from other sources.
  • Encourages Proper Referencing: Emphasizes the importance of accurate and complete referencing to avoid plagiarism and maintain scholarly integrity.
  • Promotes Ethical Research: Encourages authors to conduct thorough literature reviews and cite relevant works appropriately, fostering an ethical research culture.
  • Redundant Publication: Repeated studies must have new conclusions or unique data. A paper must be of significant value to be submitted for publication. Certainly, this section emphasizes the importance of originality and proper acknowledgement in research submissions to JIESS. Here's a breakdown of the guidelines regarding repeated studies and their acceptance criteria:
  1. New or Unique Conclusions:

Repeated studies are acceptable only if they lead to new or unique conclusions. Merely replicating previous work without adding new insights is not sufficient.

  1. Differentiated with New Data:

The repeated study must be differentiated with new data or additional information. Mere repetition of methods or analysis without new data is not acceptable.

  1. Acknowledgment and Scope:

It can be considered if a study falls below 25% of the original manuscript and is fully acknowledged. Authors must acknowledge the previous work and ensure that the scope and conclusions of the repeated study differ substantially from the original.

  1. Highlighting Repetition:

It is essential to highlight the Repetition clearly in the submission. If the Repetition is not adequately highlighted, a note of clarification may be required to avoid confusion.

  1. Copied Content and Retraction:

If more than 25% of the manuscript has been copied from a previous study without proper acknowledgement and without including different conclusions, serious action is taken:

  1. Verbatim Copy or Multiple Submission:
  • Verbatim Copy: A retraction notice is mandatory if the manuscript is a verbatim copy of a previously published study.
  • Multiple Submission: A retraction notice is necessary if the same manuscript has been submitted and published in another journal simultaneously (multiple submissions).
  • Top of Form
  • Authorship Issues: Criteria for author inclusion, exclusion, and order are outlined. These include guidelines related to authorship issues in manuscripts submitted to JIESS, emphasizing the importance of accurately crediting contributors and addressing disputes:
  1. Inclusion Criteria:
  • Significant Contribution: Authors who have contributed significantly to the research must be listed.
  • Acknowledgement: Individuals providing support but not directly contributing to the research should be acknowledged in the acknowledgement section.
  1. Types of Authorship Issues:

Authorship issues can arise in three main types:

  • Exclusion of a Contributor: When a contributor who made a substantial contribution is left out.
  • Inclusion of Non-Contributors: Including individuals who did not contribute to the manuscript.
  • Order of Authors: Discrepancies in the order of authors and the level of their contributions.
  1. JIESS's Approach:
  • Resolution Assistance: JIESS will attempt to assist in resolving authorship disputes.
  • Pre-submission Research Process: JIESS and its editors cannot assess the contribution level during the research process before manuscript submission.
  1. Changing Authorship:
  • Author's Error: If all authors agree to change the authorship arrangement, it will be considered an author's error.
  • Retraction Notice: A retraction notice will be published only if requested by all the authors involved.
  • Implications:
    • Ensures Fair Credit: Proper authorship attribution ensures that contributors receive due credit for their work.
    • Dispute Resolution: JIESS supports a fair resolution of authorship disputes, respecting the consensus of all involved parties.
    • Maintains Integrity: Transparent authorship practices maintain the integrity of the published work and the academic community.
  • Libel/Defamation: Authors must provide proof of consent; defamatory statements result in corrections or retractions. These guidelines concerning libel and defamation emphasize the need for responsible and respectful communication in submitted manuscripts:
  1. Proof of Consent:

Authors must provide "proof of consent" for individual or organization studies. This ensures ethical treatment of subjects and protects against potential defamation claims.

  1. Responsible Communication:
  • Unsubstantiated, Emotive, and Inaccurate Statements: JIESS does not tolerate baseless, emotional, or inaccurate statements about individuals. If such statements are found, authors may be asked to amend the text or reject the manuscript.
  • Constructive Critiques: Critiques and reviews of products and services are allowed, but they must be constructive and not malicious.
  1. Defamatory Statements and Retraction:
  • Defamatory Statements: If a published manuscript contains defamatory statements about individuals or organizations, JIESS reserves the right to take action.
  • Retraction Notice: A retraction notice will be published if defamatory statements are identified. In severe cases, the manuscript may be withdrawn from the online version of the journal.
  • Apology: An apology will be published in the upcoming issue of JIESS, acknowledging and rectifying the defamatory statements.


  • Ethical Treatment: Ensures published works treat individuals and organizations ethically and respectfully.
  • Maintains Journal Integrity: Upholds the integrity of JIESS by ensuring that published content is accurate, responsible, and free from defamation.
  • Promotes Constructive Discourse: Encourages authors to engage in constructive criticism rather than malicious attacks, fostering a positive academic environment.
  • Fabricated Data: Cases are referred to authors' institutions for resolution.

This section addresses the issue of fabricated data in submissions to JIESS, outlining the journal's stance and actions in such cases:

  1. Pre-submission Study Conduct: The study is conducted before the manuscript is submitted to JIESS.
  2. Editors' Limitations: Editors at JIESS may not be able to fully adjudicate all cases of fabricated data due to the study's pre-submission nature.
  3. Journal's Assistance and Referral: JIESS will endeavour to assist in resolving cases of fabricated data to the best of its ability. JIESS will refer the matter to the authors' institutions for further investigation when appropriate.


  • Accountability: Authors are held accountable for the authenticity of their submitted data.
  • Journal's Commitment: JIESS is committed to addressing cases of fabricated data seriously and responsibly.
  • Institutional Involvement: In severe cases, involving authors' institutions ensures a thorough and impartial investigation.
  • Conflict of Interest: All conflicts of interest must be declared; undisclosed conflicts are grounds for action.
  1. Declaration of Conflicts of Interest: Authors, editors, and reviewers must declare all conflicts of interest.
  2. Types of Conflicts of Interest: Any personal or financial interest in the study's outcomes.
  • Undisclosed Financial Support: Financial support for the study from an interested third party that has not been disclosed.
  • Interest in Suppressing the Study: Personal and financial interest in suppressing the findings.
  1. Declaration in Manuscripts: Authors must add a note highlighting any financial support from third parties or any other potential conflict of interest in the manuscript before it undergoes the review process.
  2. Reporting Suspected Conflicts:
  • Reporting to JIESS: If a conflict of interest is suspected, it should be reported to JIESS for investigation and appropriate action.
  • Concerns About Editors: Concerns about editor conflicts of interest should be raised directly with the journal publisher at JIESS.


  • Transparency: Ensures transparency and openness in all stages of the research and publication process.
  • Avoids Bias: Prevents potential bias that could influence the research outcomes or the publication process.
  • Maintains Journal Integrity: Upholds the integrity of the journal and the academic community by addressing conflicts of interest seriously and impartially.